【re:Invent 2024 現地レポート】Amazon Q Developerの新機能紹介



新年おめでとうございます、akiraです。 昨年12月に開催されたre:Invent 2024に会社から参加させていただきました。 現地での熱狂や多くの新機能発表にとても刺激を受けました。

今回は新機能の中でも特に気になっているAmazon Q Developerの新機能について紹介したいと思います。

Amazon Q Developerとは

Amazon Q Developerは生成AIを用いた会話アシスタントで、統合開発環境 (IDE) 上でで使用する場合、インラインコード補完や、チャットを用いて新規コードの作成修正の提案などを行ってくれるサービスです。
もともとはAmazon CodeWhispererとして提供されていましたが、Amazon Qに統合され昨年の4月に一般公開されました。

Amazon Q Developer is now generally available
Amazon Q Developer is now generally available


今回はre:Inventの期間中に発表された機能よりIDE上で利用可能な3機能について紹介します。 その他の発表についてもリンクを掲載しておりますので、ぜひご覧ください。


class MathOperations:
    def add(self, a, b):
        return a + b

    def subtract(self, a, b):
        return a - b

    def multiply(self, a, b):
        return a * b

    def divide(self, a, b):
        if b == 0:
            raise ValueError("Division by zero is not allowed.")
        return a / b

    def power(self, a, b):
        return a ** b




from workshop_amazonQ.test import MathOperations
import pytest

class TestTest:

    def test_add_float_overflow(self):
        """Test add method with float overflow"""
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        max_float = float('inf')
        assert math_ops.add(max_float, 1) == float('inf')
        assert math_ops.add(1, max_float) == float('inf')
        assert math_ops.add(max_float, max_float) == float('inf')

    def test_add_floating_point(self):
        Test adding floating point numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.add(3.14, 2.86)
        assert pytest.approx(result, 0.001) == 6.0

    def test_add_integer_overflow(self):
        """Test add method with integer overflow"""
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        max_int = 2**63 - 1  # Maximum 64-bit signed integer
        result = math_ops.add(max_int, 1)
        assert result == 2**63

    def test_add_invalid_input_type(self):
        """Test add method with invalid input types"""
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add("1", 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add(1, "2")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add("a", "b")

    def test_add_negative_numbers(self):
        Test adding two negative numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.add(-2, -7)
        assert result == -9

    def test_add_negative_zero(self):
        """Test add method with negative zero"""
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.add(0, -0) == 0
        assert math_ops.add(-0, 0) == 0
        assert math_ops.add(-0, -0) == 0

    def test_add_none_input(self):
        """Test add method with None input"""
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add(None, 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add(1, None)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.add(None, None)

    def test_add_positive_and_negative(self):
        Test adding a positive and a negative number
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.add(10, -4)
        assert result == 6

    def test_add_positive_numbers(self):
        Test adding two positive numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.add(3, 5)
        assert result == 8

    def test_add_zero(self):
        Test adding zero to a number
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.add(5, 0)
        assert result == 5

    def test_divide_1(self):
        Test that divide method correctly performs division for non-zero divisor.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.divide(10, 2)
        assert result == 5.0, f"Expected 5.0, but got {result}"

    def test_divide_2(self):
        Test division with positive and negative numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.divide(15, 3) == 5.0
        assert math_ops.divide(-10, 2) == -5.0
        assert math_ops.divide(7, -2) == -3.5
        assert math_ops.divide(-8, -4) == 2.0
        assert math_ops.divide(1, 3) == pytest.approx(0.3333333333333333)

    def test_divide_non_zero_denominator(self):
        Test division with non-zero denominator.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.divide(10, 2)
        assert result == 5.0, "Expected 10 / 2 to equal 5.0"

    def test_divide_raises_value_error_on_zero_division(self):
        Test that divide method raises ValueError when dividing by zero.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Division by zero is not allowed."):
            math_ops.divide(10, 0)

    def test_multiply_by_zero(self):
        Test multiplication by zero
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(5, 0)
        assert result == 0, "Multiplication of any number by 0 should be 0"

    def test_multiply_floating_point(self):
        Test multiplication of floating point numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(2.5, 3.2)
        assert pytest.approx(result, 0.0001) == 8.0, "Multiplication of 2.5 and 3.2 should be approximately 8.0"

    def test_multiply_negative_numbers(self):
        Test multiplication of two negative numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(-2, -5)
        assert result == 10, "Multiplication of -2 and -5 should be 10"

    def test_multiply_positive_and_negative(self):
        Test multiplication of a positive and a negative number
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(3, -4)
        assert result == -12, "Multiplication of 3 and -4 should be -12"

    def test_multiply_positive_numbers(self):
        Test multiplication of two positive numbers
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(3, 4)
        assert result == 12, "Multiplication of 3 and 4 should be 12"

    def test_power_1(self):
        Test power method with various inputs including edge cases.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        # Test with positive integers
        assert math_ops.power(2, 3) == 8
        # Test with negative base
        assert math_ops.power(-2, 3) == -8
        # Test with zero base
        assert math_ops.power(0, 5) == 0
        # Test with exponent 0
        assert math_ops.power(5, 0) == 1
        # Test with exponent 1
        assert math_ops.power(7, 1) == 7
        # Test with fractional exponent
        assert pytest.approx(math_ops.power(4, 0.5)) == 2
        # Test with negative exponent
        assert pytest.approx(math_ops.power(2, -2)) == 0.25

    def test_power_positive_integers(self):
        Test power method with positive integer base and exponent.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.power(2, 3)
        assert result == 8, f"Expected 2^3 to be 8, but got {result}"

    def test_power_with_complex_result(self):
        Test power method with inputs that would result in a complex number.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            math_op.power(-1, 0.5)

    def test_power_with_float_exponent(self):
        Test power method with float exponent, which is valid but might be considered an edge case.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        assert math_op.power(2, 2.5) == 5.656854249492381

    def test_power_with_invalid_input_types(self):
        Test power method with invalid input types.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_op.power("2", 3)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_op.power(2, "3")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_op.power(None, 3)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_op.power(2, None)

    def test_power_with_large_exponent(self):
        Test power method with a very large exponent to check for potential overflow.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
            math_op.power(2, 1000000)

    def test_power_with_negative_exponent(self):
        Test power method with negative exponent.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        assert math_op.power(2, -2) == 0.25

    def test_power_with_zero_base(self):
        Test power method with zero as the base.
        math_op = MathOperations()
        assert math_op.power(0, 5) == 0
        assert math_op.power(0, 0) == 1

    def test_subtract_float_numbers(self):
        Test subtracting float numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(5.5, 3.3)
        assert pytest.approx(result, 0.0001) == 2.2

    def test_subtract_negative_from_positive(self):
        Test subtracting a negative number from a positive number.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(5, -3)
        assert result == 8

    def test_subtract_negative_numbers(self):
        Test subtracting two negative numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(-5, -3)
        assert result == -2

    def test_subtract_positive_from_negative(self):
        Test subtracting a positive number from a negative number.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(-5, 3)
        assert result == -8

    def test_subtract_positive_numbers(self):
        Test subtracting two positive numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(5, 3)
        assert result == 2

    def test_subtract_zero(self):
        Test subtracting zero from a number and subtracting a number from zero.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.subtract(5, 0) == 5
        assert math_ops.subtract(0, 5) == -5
        assert math_ops.subtract(0, 0) == 0

class TestMathOperations:

    def test_divide_by_zero(self):
        Test that dividing by zero raises a ValueError.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Division by zero is not allowed."):
            math_ops.divide(10, 0)

    def test_divide_invalid_type(self):
        Test that dividing with non-numeric types raises a TypeError.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.divide("10", 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.divide(10, "2")

    def test_divide_large_numbers(self):
        Test division with very large numbers to check for potential overflow.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.divide(1e308, 1e308)
        assert result == 1.0

    def test_divide_negative_numbers(self):
        Test division with negative numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.divide(-10, 2) == -5.0
        assert math_ops.divide(10, -2) == -5.0
        assert math_ops.divide(-10, -2) == 5.0

    def test_divide_small_numbers(self):
        Test division with very small numbers to check for potential underflow.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.divide(1e-308, 1e308)
        assert result > 0 and result < 1e-308

    def test_multiply_with_float_inputs(self):
        Test multiply method with float inputs to check precision.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.multiply(0.1, 0.2)
        assert pytest.approx(result, 0.00001) == 0.02

    def test_multiply_with_invalid_types(self):
        Test multiply method with invalid input types.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.multiply("2", 3)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.multiply(2, "3")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.multiply(None, 3)

    def test_multiply_with_large_numbers(self):
        Test multiply method with numbers at the edge of integer bounds.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        max_int = 2**31 - 1  # Maximum 32-bit integer
        assert math_ops.multiply(max_int, 2) == max_int * 2
        assert math_ops.multiply(-max_int, 2) == -max_int * 2

    def test_multiply_with_negative_numbers(self):
        Test multiply method with negative numbers.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.multiply(-2, 3) == -6
        assert math_ops.multiply(2, -3) == -6
        assert math_ops.multiply(-2, -3) == 6

    def test_multiply_with_zero(self):
        Test multiply method with zero as one of the inputs.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        assert math_ops.multiply(0, 5) == 0
        assert math_ops.multiply(5, 0) == 0
        assert math_ops.multiply(0, 0) == 0

    def test_subtract_with_float_input(self):
        Test subtract method with float input.
        This tests an edge case for the subtract method.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(5.5, 3.3)
        assert round(result, 1) == 2.2

    def test_subtract_with_large_numbers(self):
        Test subtract method with very large numbers.
        This tests scenario 2: input is outside accepted bounds.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(1e100, 1e99)
        assert result == 9e99

    def test_subtract_with_negative_numbers(self):
        Test subtract method with negative numbers.
        This tests another edge case for the subtract method.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        result = math_ops.subtract(-5, -3)
        assert result == -2

    def test_subtract_with_non_numeric_input(self):
        Test subtract method with non-numeric input.
        This tests scenario 3: input is incorrect type.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract("5", 3)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract(5, "3")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract("a", "b")

    def test_subtract_with_none_input(self):
        Test subtract method with None as input.
        This tests scenario 1: input is empty and/or invalid.
        math_ops = MathOperations()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract(None, 5)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract(5, None)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            math_ops.subtract(None, None)



# Python Math Operations Library

This project provides a simple Python library for basic arithmetic operations. It offers a clean and efficient way to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation.

The `MathOperations` class encapsulates these fundamental mathematical functions, making it easy to integrate into various Python projects. Whether you're building a calculator application, working on scientific computations, or need reliable math operations in your codebase, this library offers a straightforward solution.

## Repository Structure

The repository has a simple structure with a single Python file:

- ``: The main Python file containing the `MathOperations` class.

## Usage Instructions

### Installation

No installation is required. Simply copy the `` file into your project directory.

### Getting Started

To use the `MathOperations` class in your Python project, follow these steps:

1. Import the class:

from test import MathOperations

2. Create an instance of the class:

math_ops = MathOperations()

3. Use the methods as needed:

result_add = math_ops.add(5, 3)
result_subtract = math_ops.subtract(10, 4)
result_multiply = math_ops.multiply(6, 7)
result_divide = math_ops.divide(15, 3)
result_power = math_ops.power(2, 3)

print(f"Addition: 5 + 3 = {result_add}")
print(f"Subtraction: 10 - 4 = {result_subtract}")
print(f"Multiplication: 6 * 7 = {result_multiply}")
print(f"Division: 15 / 3 = {result_divide}")
print(f"Power: 2^3 = {result_power}")

### Available Methods

The `MathOperations` class provides the following methods:

- `add(a, b)`: Adds two numbers.
- `subtract(a, b)`: Subtracts the second number from the first.
- `multiply(a, b)`: Multiplies two numbers.
- `divide(a, b)`: Divides the first number by the second. Raises a `ValueError` if attempting to divide by zero.
- `power(a, b)`: Raises the first number to the power of the second.

### Error Handling

The `divide` method includes error handling for division by zero. If you attempt to divide by zero, a `ValueError` will be raised with the message "Division by zero is not allowed."

Example of handling this error:

    result = math_ops.divide(10, 0)
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")

### Testing & Quality

To ensure the reliability of the `MathOperations` class, it's recommended to write unit tests for each method. You can use Python's built-in `unittest` module or a third-party testing framework like `pytest`.

### Troubleshooting

1. **Issue**: Getting unexpected results from mathematical operations.
   - **Solution**: Double-check the order of operands in subtraction and division operations. Remember that `a - b` subtracts `b` from `a`, and `a / b` divides `a` by `b`.

2. **Issue**: Encountering a `ValueError` when performing division.
   - **Solution**: This error occurs when attempting to divide by zero. Always check if the divisor is non-zero before performing division:

   if b != 0:
       result = math_ops.divide(a, b)
       print("Cannot divide by zero")

3. **Issue**: Results of power operation are unexpectedly large or small.
   - **Solution**: Be cautious with large exponents as they can lead to very large numbers. For negative exponents, the result will be a float between 0 and 1.

### Performance Optimization

The `MathOperations` class uses Python's built-in arithmetic operators, which are generally optimized for performance. However, for large-scale computations or repeated operations, consider:

- Using NumPy for array-based operations if dealing with large datasets.
- Implementing caching mechanisms for frequently used results.
- Profiling your code to identify performance bottlenecks:

import cProfile

def profile_math_ops():
    math_ops = MathOperations()
    for _ in range(1000000):
        math_ops.add(5, 3)
        math_ops.multiply(4, 7)'profile_math_ops()')

## Data Flow

The data flow in the `MathOperations` class is straightforward:

1. User creates an instance of `MathOperations`.
2. User calls a method with two numeric arguments.
3. The method performs the specified operation.
4. The result is returned to the user.

[User] -> [MathOperations Instance]
[Method Call (e.g., add(a, b))]
[Operation Performed]
[Result Returned to User]

Note: All operations are performed in memory without any external data storage or network requests.





GitLab Duo with Amazon Qの発表

今回ご紹介したAmazon Q Developerの機能をGitLab上で利用可能となるサービスのプレビューが発表されました。

Announcing GitLab Duo with Amazon Q (Preview)
Announcing GitLab Duo with Amazon Q (Preview)



Amazon Q Developer transformation capabilities for mainframe modernization are now available (Preview)
Amazon Q Developer transformation capabilities for mainframe modernization are now available (Preview)
Amazon Q Developer now provides transformation capabilities for .NET porting (Preview)
Amazon Q Developer now provides transformation capabilities for .NET porting (Preview)
Announcing Amazon Q Developer transformation capabilities for VMware (Preview)
Announcing Amazon Q Developer transformation capabilities for VMware (Preview)


AWS環境の運用調査機能のプレビューが発表されました。CloudWatch 、AWS CloudTrail ログ、デプロイ情報、リソース設定の変更、AWS Health イベントなど、AWS 環境に関するさまざまなシグナルを精査して原因調査をサポートしてくれるようです。

Amazon Q Developer adds operational investigation capability (Preview)
Amazon Q Developer adds operational investigation capability (Preview)


SageMaker関連ではAmazon Qとの統合を含めた発表がありました。

Announcing the preview of Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
Announcing the preview of Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
Amazon Q Developer can now guide SageMaker Canvas users through ML development
Amazon Q Developer can now guide SageMaker Canvas users through ML development


Amazon Q Developerを利用することでコードの作成だけではなく、修正、運用までをカバーすることが出来る素晴らしいサービスであると感じました。


